Allowed File Types

During the installation of the ixi-UMS Business Client Tools, a list of the allowed file extensions can be deposited. It is determined therewith which attachments may be sent via the Collect box.


The setting can be stored optionally in the "Prnd.ini" in the user profile at

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\<Benutzer>\Anwendungsdaten\servonic\ixi-UMS ClientTools

or in a separate file "IXICliFileExtFilter.ini" in the Windows installation directory.



The file can be edited and modified manually, the file endings are delimited by ;






After having stored the alterations, the Prnd.exe has to be restarted. In order to do so, the Prnd.exe has to be stopped in the task manager and restarted via Start - Programs - ixi-UMS Business Client Tools.  


Version 7