Overview of Features

The ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server provides some interesting additional features that are not available in a traditional voice mailbox system. The features available to you are determined by your administrator on the ixi-UMS Server.


·Quick Message Option: When the caller presses "0" while the announcement is played, he can leave a message immediately.


·Individual or personalized announcements: Individual announcements are recorded by the user completely. A personalized announcement consists of one part that cannot be altered by the user and an individual part (e.g. the user name), that can be recorded by the user. Please contact your administrator for further information about the settings.


·You can choose whether you want to listen to unread/read voice mails.


·The ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server directly accesses your mailbox. For this reason, new messages are indicated immediately and deleted messages are moved to the folder "Deleted Items".


·The following properties of a message are read: Kind of Message, Date/Time, Sender Address.


·Every user can determine a PIN in order to protect his voice mailbox from undesired accesses.


·Up to 7 profiles (Office, On the Road, Home, Vacation, Custom 1 and 2, Internal) are supported. For each profile one announcement can be stored per language (default German and English).


·Call transfers can be set per profile. Callers then can either leave a message or be forwarded to a colleague


·"Off-hours Profile": According to centrally fixed times, a profile can automatically be activated for every user company-wide. The times / days are fixed centrally or by user, the profile is determined centrally or by every user, too.


·The language of the announcement can be chosen either automatically according to the caller address (country code in the telephone number) or manually by the language menu. Please ask your administrator.


·Depending on the installation you can choose whether you want to listen to unread/read voice mails and e-mails. This is also valid for faxes and short messages (SMS). Please ask your administrator.


·The sender of a voice message can be called back directly, provided that the sender's address is a telephone number  


·Fax messages can be forwarded as faxes.  


·The sender of an SMS message can be called back if it is a mobile phone number.


·E-mails can be answered or forwarded by fax


·Voice messages can be forwarded as voice mail and provided with a spoken comment.  


·Security features: The access to the ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox inbox can be restricted to certain devices (e.g. the telephone at the office or the mobile phone). After a fixed number of failed tries to enter the PIN, the remote inquiry to this mailbox is blocked.


·All settings can be made via the browser-based ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox Configuration on the computer. The browser-based ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox Configuration can be made available via the ixi-UMS User Portal.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_7.10