
The settings here have influence on the performance of the journal. It can be determined which information is logged and how the journal shall be indicated. The archiving of messages can also be activated here.


Journal active

Enables/disables journal logging. When disabled, no journal records will be written.


Logged messages types in journal

Defines the message type witch logged in the journal.




Substitution character

Defines the substitution character used in order to garble parts of the log-information - e.g. parts of the "dialed" number.


Log "Subject" field

The subject field is logged in the journal. You can hide the last x characters from the field (e.g. they will be replaced with the substitution character).

Log "Sender Address" field

Sender address is written to the journal. You can hide the last x characters from the field (e.g. they will be replaced with the substitution character).

Log "Recipient Address" field

Recipient address is written to the journal. You can hide the last x characters from the field (e.g. they will be replaced with the substitution character).

Number of hidden characters

It is determined with the option whether and how many digits can be overwritten with the  replacement character.

Company name

(for journal report)

The value stated here is added to the report.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70