Number Conversion

Rules can be deposited, by means of that incoming and outgoing destinations are converted. Therewith, for example with networked PBX's, messages with a certain area code can be sent via a PBX at another site. The rules have to be determined separately for "incoming" and "outgoing" Fax, SMS and MWI  Messages.

See also "Additional Features - Number Conversion"




Please note that the "first hit strikes", this means you have to take care of the order of the rules.


Via "Add", a rule can be entered.

Apply to:





Apply To

Kind of call number:

Destination = CalledPartyNumber

Originator = CallingPartyNumber

Redirector = RedirectingNumber, DivertedNumber)



This part of the number is searched for in the table



In the second part, the rule is defined that shall be applied to the call number stated above.



Kind of call number:



Call number to be changed:

Destination (CalledPartyNumber)

Originator (CallingPartyNumber)

Redirector (RedirectingNumber, DivertedNumber)



Number / digit in front of the copied part

Instruction from which digit on the number shall be copied:


Copied part of the number. The number contains the first digit to be copied.

Example: Number: 4799584 Prefix: 3 = Copied: 99584



Digits that are added at the end


At "Test rule" it can be checked, whether the result is appropriate.



The number conversion "lies" on the ISDN-board, this means:

With outgoing messages, an outside line access that might have been entered at the Kernel is added, BEFORE a rule is searched.

When an outside line access is needed, it has to be included in the rule.


If rules with multiple conditions are needed, read How To: Advanced Rules for Call Number


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70