Coverpage SenderInfo

For the presentation of the coverpage with outbound faxes, ixi-UMS can trigger or read out information about the sender. Basically, global specifications per Connector can be used. Depending on the deployed ixi-UMS Connector, however, user(sender)-dependent information can be passed on to the coverpage.


·With SMTP-based Connectors, an LDAP-query on the user administration is executed.
·With the ixi-UMS FAPI Connector, the information must be passed on in the job.
·With the ixi-UMS Connector for use with SAP® R/3®, no information can be passed on.


With the feature "Coverpage SenderInfo", the sender information can be read out of the available LDAP-database and adopted into the coverpage also when sending via an ixi-UMS Connector for use with SAP R/3 or an ixi-UMS FAPI Connector.



This feature is part of the "ixi-UMS EnhancedReadoutFeatures" and released via the ixi-UMS Kernel license key.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70