Connector Settings



With right mouse-click on "Connector Settings" in your Microsoft MMC-Snap-In, you can open the logging configuration.


The Connector Root Folder should only be changed if the ixi-UMS Kernel or ixi-UMS Render Connector had been installed subsequently.



At Log Level you can decide which events and errors are logged.


Off: No log is written

Low: Only errors are logged

Normal: Errors and transfers are logged

High: Errors, transfers and clues are logged


You can also define a maximum size (1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50 and 75 MB) of the log file. When this limit is reached, the log file is saved and a new one is created.


The log-file is stored at ..\ixi-Framework\Logs. One log-file is created per instance. These files can only be opened with notepad directly in the file system.


At "Version Info", you can find the exact file information of the Microsoft MMC-Snap-in and the ixi-UMS Connector for use with SAP® R/3®.



Changes and configurations get active only when confirming them with "OK".


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70