
If the feature "Print Unread" is activated, the Spooling and printing can be logged in the mistake case.

It can be fixed, how big the log files should become and how many files should be preserved.



0 = Logfiles are n ot deleted


0 = Log file becomes infinitely big


The topical log file can be opened about the badge "opening" and be removed about the badge "extinguishing". Older log files must be opened in the file system.





Logs should be activated only in case of an error or maximum with priority "Errors".


In the log "ixiActionAfterTime. log" mistakes are logged by the handing over near the printer or in the suitable order line.

In the Debugmode the settings and the detailed files are logged, in addition.


In "ixiPrintFaxJob. log" the handing over is logged near the printer and the (mistakes) returned by the printer announcements.




Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70