
Incoming faxes with or without report can be printed on a printer in the network.


You can determine whether only the faxes to a particular call number or all the faxes of a particular number range shall be printed.



·The printer has to be installed on the ixi-UMS machine as printer in the network.
·The ixi-UMS Serviceaccount must have permission to print on this printer.



The ixi-UMS Kernel report is inserted in the "Text only" format. Follow the setting to the language and contents in the ixi-UMS Kernel Manual



When the printer is installed, it can be selected via "Add" and the respective number can be entered.





The whole fax recipient number without spaces has to be entered always the way it is also maintained at the user.


You can work with an * in order to define a range.



Every fax that begins with these digits is printed.


If only an * is entered, every incoming fax is printed.



The rules are processed top down. This means that it is absolutely required to put the entries into the correct order. The procession of the rules is finished when the entry * is reached.


You can select whether incoming faxes shall be printed with or without the report (body text of the e-mail including OCR-text, if applicable). If the report shall be printed additionally, it is printed on a separate page.



In the second part, sending reports can be printed.





You can determine for which fax-sender and which kind of report shall be printed.


The sender of a fax (=recipient of the report) depends on the respective ixi-UMS Connector.


With SMTP-based Connectors, the e-mail address must always be entered.

ixi-UMS Exchange Connector

ixi-UMS Domino Connector

ixi-UMS SMTP Connector


With the ixi-UMS Connector for use with SAP® R/3®, the fax number of the user is used as sender by default.

This must be entered like it is in the report. Default: +498142479943


The sender of a fax via the ixi-UMS FAPI Connector depends on the creation of the faxes and the configuration of the ixi-UMS Connector. An e-mail address as well as a fax number can be entered.


Scope of the printed report

If the reports in the ixi-UMS Kernel are configured in a way that the actual fax is attached to the report, it can also be printed.

Depending on the setting, only one page or the complete fax is printed.


The rules are processed top down. This means that it is absolutely required to put the entries into the correct order. The procession of the rules is finished when the entry * is reached.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70