ixi-UMS FAPI Connector Management

During the installation, the required SnapIn is registered on the machine automatically.

The SnapIn - like any other SnapIn - can be added to an MMC.




If the SnapIn shall also be available on other machines, the "FAPIMgmtSnapIn.dll" must be registered with "regsvr32" on the respective machine.

All the required files are deposited in the folder "..\ixi-UMS FAPI Connector\Management". The folder should be copied to the respective machine completely.


Via right-click on "ixi-UMS FAPI Connector" and "Add", other ixi-UMS FAPI Connectors from version 6.0 on installed in the network can be added to the console and therewith also be configured.


Changing the language of the SnapIn

It is explained at How To "Changing MMC Language" how the language of the SnapIn can be changed after the installation.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70