Installing Word Macros

The Word macros can be installed during the setup or afterwards.

During the setup, the installation is started automatically.


If the macros shall be installed subsequently, the following files must be called at ...\ixi-UMS Client Tools\MAKRO\<Language>:

·for Word 2000, 2003, 2007 the file
·for Word 2010 and higher the file WW2010.dotm



·Macros have to be installed per user
·The Macro Security in Word has to be lowered at least to "Medium"





When starting the, Word opens.

If the macro security dajusted is "Medium" or "Low", the following query appears:



The macros have to be enabled.





The following window appears:




Now the prefixes have to be determined.

This information is important for the Auto fax feature and the mail merge fax feature.


Die Prafixe sind fest vorgegeben und können nur über das Makro selber geändert werden.







If successful, the installation of the macros is confirmed.




The button ixi-UMS now has to be available in Word FOR THIS USER.






Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70