Users are allowed to configure their user account themselves
When installing the workstations, you can give users ownership. The users are then prompted to enter their own settings. The server is thus configured by the help of the users. You can undo this setting at any time when the server has finished configuring.
If this option is set, all users can change their personal settings in the user administration themselves. The user can make these settings with the workplace settings. The following settings are possible (see also Users):
Depending on the selected user management, the users with the right to manage their user account themselves can change the following settings:
Setting | Active Directory® | Integrated user database |
First name | - | X |
Last name | - | X |
Displayed name | - | X |
E-mail address | - | X |
Password | X | X |
Company | X² | X |
Job title | X² | X |
Office | X² | X |
Street house no. | X² | X |
Zip code / Place | X² | X |
State | X² | X |
Country | X² | X |
Website | X² | X |
Business phone number | X² | X |
Business phone number 2 | X² | X |
Private phone number | X² | X |
Mobile number | X² | X |
Mailbox phone number | X | X |
Recording server phone number | X | X |
1. phone | X | X |
2. phone | X | X |
Services | X | X |
Own phones | X | X |
Computer phones | X | X |
Contact address / Image | - | X |
Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.5