The estos ProCall client is installed on the users PCs and offers the following important functions and performance features:
Contact search: Find information about the current contact.
estos ProCall automatically searches in case of an incoming or outgoing call for the appropriate contact information, based on the phone number (particularly the call partner) and displays this information. Which contact data sources are searched and in which order, can be defined in the configuration of the estos ProCall and (by the administrator) in the estos UCServer. If more contacts are found from several data sources for that phone number, the contact data which was last used is displayed as active.
Conversely, the user is able to search in the search window of estos ProCall for a person's contact data by entering the name or a part of it and then start the call or other action out of the contact detail window.
ActiveContacts - actively manage contacts
In addition to the contact data the ActiveContacts technology in estos ProCall displays further information about the phone status of the user, e.g. from the calendar function of Microsoft Outlook®. The information is constantly updated in "real time". The user always knows, when and how and with which medium his or her contacts are accessible. The communication can be started or managed, depending on the available information, from the context menu.
Presence - to know the availability of contacts
Every user connected to the system has a status, their Presence. This information is formed according to defined rules, from the status of several services: Telephony status (telephony service), calendar status (calendar service), login-log off (system service) and the manually entered status, provided by the user.
Therefore, the presence always provides information about the current availability of communication partners.
Federation - The trustworthy network
A federation is a secured structure for the communication between members of different organisations (e.g. two companies, company and customer) with the aim to improve cooperation.
Within the federation, presence management permits the exchange of current information about the accessibility/availability of people, even beyond organisation boundaries. So, a suitable method of communication can be selected (e.g. phone, e-mail, chat, etc.).
Within the frame of the federation, every organisation defines which information is revealed and decides which services and systems are used for the exchange of this information.
Journal - tracking and planning communication
The journal in estos UCServer provides information about all events around your communication, e.g. all phone calls, missed incoming calls and call partners who could not be reached. The information can be filtered and listed according to different criteria.
The journal entries can be processed, marked, annotated and be shared with other users.
Phone calls can be prepared right before or by setting schedules. Call related notices can be done anytime.
Audio/VideoChat - Real-time communication using WebRTC
The estos ProCall client enables real-time peer-to-peer Audio/VideoChat and screen sharing communication with other users. This is supported within the internal network (LAN) and between enterprises using federation.
Softphone - Making phone calls with the PC via a PBX
The estos ProCall can be registered via the UCServer at a SIP-PBX. The PC in conjunction with a headset turns to be a VoIP phone.
Computer Smartphone Integration via Bluetooth (CSPI)
The estos ProCall client supports connecting cell phones with the PC using Bluetooth. This connection will make controlling and monitoring of the telephone possible. Furthermore a PC audio device can be used for conversations by cell phone.
Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.5