Update service

The update service can be installed on the workstation with estos ProCall.

This system service checks regularly whether a new version of estos ProCall is available on the estos UCServer. If a new verison is found it is automatically installed on the workstation.

The update service consists of two applications:

  • EACuSrv.exe
    Checks at regular intervals whether a new software version is available on the server, loads it on to the client and starts the update process.
    The application is registered as a system service and also runs without users logged in.
  • EClnSet.exe
    Auxiliary application which installs the update.
  • EClnProg.exe
    Auxiliary applications which inform the user about an upcoming update and the update progress.
    Is started in the context of the logged-in user in order to be able to display the information in their session.

If you deploy estos ProCall workstations in different languages you must keep the corresponding languages available in the client update folder. During server installation, only the server language is installed by default. You must copy further client installation packages manually into the update folder.
Further details under Update server.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.2