
Here all the processes of the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server are logged. Logs should be activated only in case of an error or maximum with priority "Normal". The logs should only be set "Debug" for troubleshooting.


Voice Box

In the "Functions" log, all processes for calls and remote enquiry and part of the ixi-UMS ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox Configuration are logged. Depending on the level set, all the queries, script calls and accesses are logged:


Level "Normal"

·LDAP Error and IMAP Error

·Called number

·Calling number

·Indication of the active profile (if available)

·Indication of the IMAP user

Level "Debug"

·same as level "Normal"

·LDAP-User data

·IMAP login and search



The setting for "ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox Configuration" is depending on the setting for the log "functions" of the Voicebox.

The log for the "Wrong PIN entered" is always written when a wrong PIN is given or the mail box is closed.





Notifier Express

Here the activities to the settings are logged at "Notifications".

For the mistake evaluation both logs are always necessary.


Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.2