send message

If a document is printed via the printer "ixi-UMS Fax" or dragged into the collection box, the ixi-UMS SMTP Client opens.

You can also open the ixi-UMS SMTP Client at any time via the Start menu.

A new message always opens, which you only have to address.



Depending on the available services, you can select as the job type whether the message is to be sent as fax, SMS, TTS, voice or e-mail.


After selecting the desired service, enter the recipient number or e-mail address in the AN field.


Optionally, you can set the priority or specify recipients as CC and BCC.


As with a normal e-mail, you can specify a subject and write a text in the e-mail body.


You can also attach a document only or additionally. Simply drag and drop the desired document into the "e-mail".




The ixi-UMS SMTP Client has a simple address book. If you have entries in the address book, you can click on the "An"-field and the contacts will be displayed.


Depending on which job type you have selected for sending, the appropriate recipient data for the contacts will be displayed:

Fax = Fax number

Voice/TTS = telephone number

SMS = Mobile

E-Mail = E-Mail address


Select the contact and click "Add". Multiple recipients can be specified one after the other



Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.2