Call planning

Plan call

With the help of the call planning window you are able to mark calls which you wish to make in the future. Already planned calls can be viewed in the tab Planned in the main window.

You will find all the functions which you can use for a planned call in the editor's icon bar

  •   Make call
    Click the upper half of the button to call the subscriber. The phone number which was specified in the phone number field in the editor dialog is always used.
    In the lower half of the push button, you are able to view the contact context menu with the arrow. Here, you will find every activity available for the linked contact. For a detailed description of these functions, please refer to contact details.

  •   Save
    Click here to save the planned call and all changes. The saved call appears on the tab planned in the main window.

  •   Save and close
    The planned call is saved with this function and the editor window is then closed.

  •   Print
    Click here to print out the planned call.

  •   Print preview
    Click here to display a print preview of the planned call. You can also print out the planned call from the preview.

  •   Printer settings
    Click here if you wish to change the printer settings for printing the planned call.

  •   Delete planned call
    Click here to delete the planned call. The editor window is then closed. Please note that this action cannot be undone.

Change the status of the planned call
In the section Status on the tool bar, the status of the planned call can be define with the aid of the drop-down box:

  •   Set to in process.
    Select this entry if you wish to show that you are currently processing the planned call.
  •   Mark as completed
    Select this entry if you wish to show that you have successfully processed the planned call.
  •   Mark as not started
    Select this entry to indicate that the planned call is pending.
  •   Mark as waiting for someone else
    Select this entry if you have to wait for someone before you can make this call.
  •   Mark as deferred
    Select this entry to mark the planned call as postponed.

The following data for the planned call can be defined or changed with the editor:

  • Change subject:
    The topic field is generated automatically when creating a new planned call. You can customise this according to your requirements here.

  •   Link contact
    Clicking the contact selection button opens the contact selection dialog with which you can link the selected contact to the planned call by confirming with "OK". Please note that both the contact name and also the company name are transferred from the selected contact to the editor by this process.

  • Change contact name
    You can enter any name in the contact name field which also appears in the journal views. Please note that the contact name can thus deviate from the name of the linked contact.

  • Change company name
    You can enter any name which is to be saved in the journal entry in the company name field. Please note that the company name entered can thus deviate from the name of the linked contact.

  • Change phone number
    The phone number which is dialed when the upper half of the Call button is clicked is shown here. If you have linked a contact to this planned call you can dial one of the contact's phone numbers in the dropdown list. You can nevertheless also enter any phone number in the field.

  • Define start date
    Enter the start date in the relevant field. This defines when the planned call is to be made. Alternatively you can open a calendar via the dropdown arrow and simply select a day.
    Note: If neither a due date nor a reminder date have been activated, these will also be entered automatically when selecting the starting date.

  • Enter date due
    Define here by when the planned call should have been made. You can either enter the date directly or use the calendar which you can open via the dropdown arrow.
    Note: if you have not yet defined a reminder date this is automaticallly set when the due date is selected.

  • Set reminder
    Activate this option and enter the reminder date with a time to be reminded of the call. The Reminder window opens at the given time. Please note that the reminder function is only performed for planned calls which are marked as not processed.

  • Change project PIN
    Here you can assign the planned call to a particular project. You must first define the projects for this. You can create new projects in the settings under Projects.
    Please note that the project PIN can only be changed if this feature has been activated in the settings on the Projects page.

  • Change memo
    Here you can enter a memo text for the planned call which you wish to save.

Planned calls

The tab Planned gives an overview of all phone calls which are planned with estos ProCall.

Display of planned calls
The planned calls have different icons depending on the processing status:

  •   In progress
    The planned call is presently being processed.
  •   Completed
    The planned call has been successfully processed.
  •   Not started
    Processing of the planned call has not yet begun.
  •   Waiting
    Waiting for someone else to process the plannned call.
  •   Deferred
    Processing of the planned call has been postponed.

In addition, the planned call is highlighted differently depending on its status:

  • Planned calls which have not yet been processed are shown in bold text
  • All planned calls due in the past which have not been completed are highlighted in red.
  • Completed planned calls are crossed through and appear light grey.

The view on the "Planned" tab can be customised. Entries which fulfil certain criteria can be shown or blanked out.

  •   Without date or reminder
    Activate this option to also display all planned calls which have neither a date nor a reminder set.
  •   Completed calls
    Activate this option to additionally display all calls which have already been marked as completed.

The status of the planned calls can be changed via the icon bar or the context menu. Mark the relevant entries in the list and click the appropriate button.

  •   Set to in process.
    Select this entry if you wish to show that you are currently processing the planned call.
  •   Mark as completed
    Select this entry if you wish to show that you have successfully processed the planned call.
  •   Mark as not started
    Select this entry to indicate that the planned call is pending.
  •   Mark as waiting for someone else
    Select this entry if you have to wait for someone before you can make this call.
  •   Mark as deferred
    Select this entry to mark the planned call as postponed.

Further functions for processing planned calls are available in the icon bar:

  •   Delete
    Select this function to delete the selected entries. Please note that the deleted entries cannot be restored.
  •   Update
    Click this button to update the view.

In this view of estos ProCall it is possible to filter the entries with a freely defined text. For example, if you type in '123' into the input field of the filter options, you will only see entries which contain '123' in one of their fields.

In the planned tab columns can be freely configured. You can reposition a column by left click and hold the left mouse button on the column header. Now move the mouse to the desired position. To remove a column, just move it outside the table. Right click on a column header opens a context menü. There you can change the visibility of columns and you can set the columns and their grouping options back to default. With this context menu you can open the field selection dialog. Here you can drag and drop column headers in to the table to add these columns to the view.

Either the estos ProCall editor or the Outlook® editor opens to edit the planned calls depending on your settings in the Planned section.
The planned calls can also be sorted if you click on the column headers (reverse sorting on second click). Please note that the planned calls are sorted within their group, in other words per day.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.1