Number of calls (comparison)



Sum of all calls (accepted calls / unaccepted calls) over a time period
If you want to zoom into a time period, click the calender week or day (bar/data point). A new graphic opens with the zoomed-in time period of calender weeks in days / of days in hours of a day.


  • According to employee
  • Comparison time period
  • Time period
  • internal/external or all calls

The following is displayed depending on the setting:

  • Sum of all calls
  • Call duration
  • Accepted calls
  • Unaccepted calls

PCA_Graph_Menu_Open Settings:


  • incoming calls only
  • outgoing calls only
  • incoming/outgoing calls

Evaluation according to:

  • Number of calls
  • Accepted calls
  • Unaccepted calls

Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.1