Telephone journal

The telephone journal will be stored in a server database, which will be centrally created on the server for all users. The users will have access to the journal entries belonging to them.

Private call

estos UCServer supports special treatment of private telephone conversations. Conversations will be considered private when the user explicitly flags the call as private. All conversations made on a line flagged as private will be flagged as private by default.

  • Don't handle private calls separately
    With this option, private calls are written to the journal along with all other calls.
  • Store private calls with a shortened number.
    In this case, the last digits of the phone number will be replaced with XXX. The name of the caller will not be stored in the journal.
  • Store private calls without the number.
    In this case phone numbers and names are not stored.


The journal records all telephone events in a database. How long certain records remain stored in the database before they are archived or deleted can be set from here.

Record archiving is only possible using Microsoft Access® databases.

The time interval for maintenance is between 1 AM and 4 AM.

  • Permanently Keep Journal Records
    Select this option if all phone calls (internal and external) will not be archived or deleted.

  • Archive Journal Records Every X Days
    Select this option if all phone calls should be archived with saved notes after a certain period of time. The availability of this setting depends upon the server database selected.
    If Microsoft Access® is used as the database system, a new archive file will first be created at the beginning of the archival process and then all records from the original file (CtiServerDatabasejournal.mdb by default) will be moved into the archive file (for example, Archiv_journal_2011.mdb). The database and archive files will be stored in the directory selected for the server database.
    If Microsoft Access® is not the database system, but rather Microsoft SQL Server® for example, estos UCServer cannot make the automated archival feature available. The RDBMS administrator will be responsible for periodic archiving operations in that case.

  • Delete Journal Entries
    • Delete Internal Phone Calls without Notes after X Days
      Select this option, if internal phone calls should be deleted after a certain period of time.
    • Delete External Phone Calls without Notes after X Days
      Select this option, if external phone calls should be deleted after a certain period of time.
    • Delete All Phone Calls with Notes after X Days
      Select this option, if all phone calls with saved notes should be after a certain period of time.
    • Delete chat messages after X days
      Activate this option if you want to delete chat messages after a certain amount of time.

Apply rules now
Thereby, the journal and offline journal maintenance will be performed immediately.

A maintenance cycle may take a long time in some cases and the journal database will be blocked during that time. For this reason, Apply Rules Now should not be executed during normal operating hours.

Offline journal

In addition to the journal, an offline journal will be kept, in which all telephone calls are saved when the client is not connected with the server.

  • Delete offline journal
    Obsolete entries can be automatically deleted from the offline journal after a preset number of days using this feature.
    Important: If the automated journal database maintenance has been activated, the storage period for offline journal entries must be shorter than the shortest storage period configured in the journal.

See also:


Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.0