Contact data source integration is an integral part of estos ProCall. Based on contact data, estos ProCall offers you an extensive catalogue of functions which ideally support you in your work.
In estos ProCall numerous contact data sources can be linked:
estos ProCall User
This estos UCServer provided data source gives you access to all user, who are using estos ProCall on the same estos UCServer along with you. As a rule, these are your work colleagues who also use estos ProCall.
This data source is also managed by estos UCServer by your administrator and gives you access to all available phone lines in your phone system.
estos ProCall Favorites
The data source 'Favorites' offers you quick access to all contacts which you have filed in Favorites or in the estos ProCall monitor.
With estos ProCall, you can use all contact data stored in your Outlook® client. Thereby, you may choose to only use individual contact folders or all contact folders for an Outlook® inbox. You can also choose to include public contact folders, if your Exchange system provides them and you have access to them.
Exchange Web Services
In addition to Outlook®, data can also be used directly from an Exchange server through its web service (as of Exchange Server 2007). Office 365 can also be integrated using this option, naturally.
IBM Notes®
You can use all IBM Notes® (= formerly Lotus® Notes) address books in estos ProCall. Both the local address book and address books on a Domino server can be directly connected and contacts stored in them can be used.
LDAP data sources
With the option of connecting LDAP data sources estos ProCall makes a powerful interface available for accessing various contact data stocks provided they offer an LDAP interface themselves.
estos MetaDirectory
As a special case of a LDAP data source the estos MetaDirectory can be integrated in estos ProCall. Via this path you can integrate data sources such as IBM Notes®, Tobit David Infocenter (in version 3.5 or earlier) or ordinary ODBC data sources in estos ProCall. Further information can be found in the estos MetaDirectory help file.
Phone books
estos ProCall permits the integration of phone books. At the moment, data from "Das Telefonbuch Deutschland" as well as "TwixTel Switzerland" can be directly accessed from estos ProCall. You can also use KlickTel Server in connection with estos MetaDirectory.
Information about the integration, configuration and use of contact data sources can be found under data sources.
Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.0