Action fields

While editing User-defined actions in estos ProCall you can use placeholders which were replaced when the action is executed with actual data (e.g. the phone number of the participant in the discussion will be filled in). These placeholders can also be used for action filters.

The Action fields can be divided into three different groups:

  • Telephony-Action fields
  • Contact-Action fields
  • Appointment-Action fields

Telephony-Action fields

Field name Description
<Call.NumberSC> The phone number in supercanonical format (e.g. +49301234567)
<Call.ContactEntryID> The database or Outlook® EntryID of the contact, if one was found.
<Call.ContactEntryIDStore> The database or Outlook® EntryID of the Messagestore in which the contact was found
<Call.ContactEntryIDDB> The database identifier of the database in which the contact was found.
<Call.ContactName> The display name of the contact, if a contact was found for the phone call.
<Call.Origin> The direction of the phone call: 1 for "outgoing", all other values mean "incoming".
<Call.Internal> Indicates whether the call is internal or external: "1" for internal, "0" for external.
<Call.Private> Indicates whether the call is marked as private: "1" with private calls.
<Call.ProjectName> The project name, if the telephone call is assigned to a project.
<Call.ProjectPIN> The project PIN, if the telephone call is assigned to a project.
<Call.Note> Contains the call memo.
<Call.LineNumberSC> Own extension number in canonical format.
<Call.LocalNumberSC> The phone number called for incoming calls. The line number for outgoing calls.
<Call.LocalNumberName> For activated hotline services (client function) the contact found for the LocalNumberSC
<Call.RedirectingSC> The forwarding phone number in canonical format.
<Call.RedirectingName> The name of the contact who forwarded the call.
<Call.HoldNumberSC> The number of the contact that is being on hold.
<Call.CreatedTime> The time at which the call has been created on the server.
<Call.ConnectedTime> The time at which the call was accepted.
<Call.DisconnectedTime> The time at which the call has been terminated.

Contact-Action fields

Field name Description
<Contact.DatabaseName> Readable name of the database which the contact comes from.
<Contact.EntryID> The database or Outlook® EntryID of contact.
<Contact.EntryIDStore> The database or Outlook® EntryID of the messagestore, in which the contact was stored
<Contact.EntryIDDB> The Database identifier of the database, in which the contact is stored
<Contact.CtiServerUserName> The CTI username if it is a CTI user
<Contact.DisplayName> The contact's display name.
<Contact.FirstName> The contact's first name.
<Contact.LastName> The contact's last name.
<Contact.JobTitle> The contact's job title.
<Contact.Company> The contact's company name.
<Contact.Department> The contact's department.
<Contact.OfficeRoomNumber> The contact's office number.
<Contact.CustomerID> The contact's customer number.
<Contact.BusinessAddressStreet> The street of the contact's company address.
<Contact.BusinessAddressPostalCode> The Post code (zip code) of the contact's company address.
<Contact.BusinessAddressCity> The town/city of the contact's company address.
<Contact.BusinessAddressState> The province/state of the contact's company address.
<Contact.BusinessAddressCountry> The country of the contact's company address.
<Contact.PrivateAddressStreet> The street of the contact's private address.
<Contact.PrivateAddressPostalCode> The Post code (zip code) of the contact's private address.
<Contact.PrivateAddressCity> The town/city of the contact's private address.
<Contact.PrivateAddressState> The province/state of the contact's private address.
<Contact.PrivateAddressCountry> The country of the contact's private address.
<Contact.OtherAddressStreet> The street of the additional contact's address.
<Contact.OtherAddressPostalCode> The post code (zip code) of the additional contact's address.
<Contact.OtherAddressCity> The town/city of the additional contact's address.
<Contact.OtherAddressState> The province/state of the additional contact's address.
<Contact.OtherAddressCountry> The country of the additional contact's address.
<Contact.EMail> The contact's first e-mail address.
<Contact.EMail2> The contact's second e-mail address.
<Contact.EMail3> The contact's third e-mail address.
<Contact.SIPAddress> The contact's SIP-Address (or instant messaging address).
<Contact.WebPageURL> The contact's Web-Address.
<Contact.PhoneBusiness> The contact's first business phone number.
<Contact.PhoneBusiness2> The contact's second business phone number.
<Contact.CompanyMainTelephoneNumber> The contact's company phone number.
<Contact.AssistantTelephoneNumber> The contact's assistance phone number.l
<Contact.PhoneHome> The contact's first private phone number.
<Contact.PhoneHome2> The contact's second private phone number.
<Contact.PrimaryTelephoneNumber> The contact's primary phone number.
<Contact.PhoneMobile> The contact's mobile/cell phone number.
<Contact.CarTelephoneNumber> The contact's car telephone number.
<Contact.RadioTelephoneNumber> The contact's radio phone number.
<Contact.PagerTelephoneNumber> The contact's pager phone number.
<Contact.OtherTelephoneNumber> The contact's additional phone numbers.
<Contact.CallbackTelephoneNumber> The contact's callback phone number.
<Contact.ISDNTelephoneNumber> The contact's ISDN phone number.
<Contact.TTYTTDTelephoneNumber> The contact's hearing impaired phone number.
<Contact.FaxBusiness> The contact's business Fax number.
<Contact.FaxHome> The contact's private Fax number.
<Contact.Body> The contact's memo text
<Contact.IsPrivateContact> Indicates whether it is an private or business contact.
<Contact.IsCtiServerUser> Indicates whether it is a CTI-user.
<Contact.DirectWebLink> The contact's Web application link for web-based CRM systems.
<Contact.Custom0> - <Contact.Custom19> Contents of the custom contact fields "Custom0" to "Custom19".

Appointment-Action fields

Field name Description
<Appointment.EntryID> The database or Outlook® EntryID of the appointment.
<Appointment.OwnerName> The owner of the appointment.
<Appointment.DataSource> The database identifier of the database, in which the appointment is stored.
<Appointment.StartTime> The date and time the appointment starts.
<Appointment.EndTime> The date and time the appointment ends.
<Appointment.Duration> The duration of the appointment.
<Appointment.Subject> The subject of the appointment.
<Appointment.Body> The memo text of the appointment.
<Appointment.AllDay> Indicates whether it is an all-day appointment.
<Appointment.Status> Indicates the status of the appointment.
<Appointment.Category> The category of the appointment.
<Appointment.Importance> The level of importance of the appointment.
<Appointment.Sensitivity> The level of confidentiality of the appointment.

Event dependend

Depending on the event, for which a User defined action or a Actionsfilter is created, different Action fields can be used:

Event Available Action fields
On incoming call
On outgoing call
At the end of a call
When call is answered
When the remote call party changes
Telephony-Action fields
Contact-Action fields
In case of an appointment (busy)
In case of appointment (out of office)
Appointment-Action fields
Automatically opened contact detail window Contact-Action fields
After xx minutes idling
When computer is locked

Beachten Sie bitte auch, dass nicht alle Felder untereinander kombiniert werden können. Beispielsweise kann eine benutzerdefinierte Aktion nicht gleichzeitig einen Bezug zu Telefonie-Aktionsfeldern und Termin-Aktionsfeldern haben.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.0