Action filter

Action filters are rules which describe events more exactly and which allow you to therefore explain actions only in certain cases. The action is executed only if all given rules apply.

Set the check mark to use filter in order to create a filter. Remove the check if you want to disable an already defined filter, however it is not deleted immediately.

Click on the button Add... and choose the field name whose field value should fulfil a condition. Here you are offered every action fields.

After you have chosen the field name, enter the rule in the column Regular expression which the field value must fulfil.

Regular expressions

A brief overview of the permitted expressions:

Character Description
^ The beginning of the string. With the Caret at the beginning of the regular expression, it is determined that the field value must agree from the outset. The expression "^0 " means that the field value must begin with "0 ".
^ The caret (^) directly after the left bracket ([) has another meaning. It is used to exclude the other signs within the bracket. The expression "[^0-4] " permits only figures except 0 to 4.
$ The dollar character ($) calls the end of the string. The expression "152$ " is valid only for strings which end with "152".
| The sign (|) permits both characters between it. The expression "8|9 " permits "8 " or "9 ".
. The point (.) permits every character (or every figure).
* The Star (*) indicates, that the character to the left must exist O times or more.
+ The Plus (*) is similar to the Star, only that the character to the left must exist at least 1 time.
? The question mark (?) indicates, that the character to the left must exist O or 1 time.
[] The corner brackets ([ and ]) indicate the amount of characters that are permitted at this point.
\ The Backslash is used as an Escape sequence. If you want to search for "+", you must write "\+".

Tip: The Caret sign (^) can be found on the top left of a German keyboard.

Check filter

You can check your input immediately here. Enter a value as an example in the field of the same name. The example value is applied to all regular expressions. The symbols beside the field name indicate whether the example value on the regular expression fits.

  •   The blue symbol indicates that either no example value was entered, or that the entered example value does not fit on the regular expression.
  •   The green symbol indicates that the entered example value on the regular expression fits.
  •   The red symbol indicates that the regular expression is not valid. In this case correct the regular expression.


Effect Actions field Regular expression
Complete only with internal calls <Call.Internal> 1
Complete only with external calls <Call.Internal> 0
Complete only with calls from Germany <Call.NumberSC> ^\+49
Complete only with calls from Germany or Switzerland <Call.NumberSC> ^\+49|^\+41
Complete with calls, in which no contact was found <Call.ContactEntryID> ^$
Execute only with contacts of the company "estos GmbH " <Contact.Company> ^XYZ GmbH$
Complete only with high priority appointments <Appointment.Importance> 2
Run only for appointments that start at 9 clock (german date format) <Appointment.StartTime> 09:00
Run only if appointments start at 9 o'clock (American date format) <Appointment.StartTime> 9:00:00 AM

Please note that in certain events not all fields can be used. Thus no appointment fields are available, e.g. for telephony events. An entire overview of all fields, as well as which fields are available with which events, can be found in the section action fields.
Action fields that represent a timestamp, such as <Appointment.StartTime> use the date format configured for the local computer. This corresponds to the display of dates, as estos ProCall displays them in the log view in the Date column. For example, "Mo 02.07.2012 15:10:25" (Germany) or "Mon 7/2/2012 3:10:25 PM" (USA). The Date column can be added to the column headers on the Journal tab page by right-clicking the column header with the mouse.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_6.4