Exchange Web Services

Profile dialog box
This dialog displays all the configured mailboxes. New mailboxes can be added or removed here, and the default mailbox can also be selected.
Mailboxes read from Outlook® are shown grayed out and cannot be deleted.

  • Default mailbox
    In this mailbox tasks are generated (if desired) and calendar data for creation of the presence status are read out.
  • Use only EWS (disable MAPI)
    Can be used to disable the MAPI interface. If the box is not checked, MAPI as well as EWS are used simultaneously.
  • Monitor Outlook® Inbox with EWS
    With this setting, estos ProCall monitors the Inbox of the default mailbox and displays unread emails.

Add mailbox dialog box
estos ProCall can sign in at an Exchange Server either via Windows® login or by means of user name and password.
As a rule, the required URL of the server for Exchange Web Services can be automatically detected, and you only have to enter your email address in this dialog box.

  • Email Address
    The email address of the mailbox to be added.
  • Server URL
    The address of the server that can be reached via the Exchange Web Service.
    As a rule, this is in the form "https://yourserver.domain/EWS/Exchange.asmx”
  • Automatically detect server URL
    As a rule, this URL can be automatically detected by estos ProCall.
    If this is not possible, automatic detection can be disabled here, and the server URL directly entered.
  • Use Windows® logon
    If it is possible to authenticate against the Exchange Server by using your domain, this option should be set.
    Otherwise estos ProCall prompts for the user name and password.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_6.4