Server database

The various estos UCServer services such as telephony, calendar, tasks and chats are using a database. Microsoft Access® or Microsoft SQL Server® (since version 2000) can be used.

Microsoft Access® is recommended only for smaller installations with up to 25 users.
SQL Server® should be used for more users and/or to fulfil stricter security policies.

When changing the server database (esp. from Microsoft Access® to Microsoft SQL® Server) the general notices for the SQL database do apply.
On a change no data will be transfered. Data of the previously used database will remain entirely.

Microsoft Access®

Microsoft Access® Databases are files created on the estos UCServer computer.

  • Directory
    Absolute path to the directory where the database has been stored. If this path is changed and existing data should not be lost, the existing database should first be copied into the new directory. The path is an absolute path to the estos UCServer computer. If a remote connection to the computer running the estos UCServer service is created via estos UCServer administrator program then access to the other computer's file system will not be possible. In that case, the path entered will be the path to the connected computer.

Microsoft SQL Server®

The following configuration is required for operating SQL Server®:

  • Server name
    Enter the name or the IP-address of the server here.
  • Database name
    Enter here the name of the database in which the estos UCServer should save its data. The estos UCServer manages the necessary tables itself.
  • Authentification
    If Windows® authentification is deactivated, the estos UCServer connects using the system account login information of the computer on which the server is running.
    A special user can be specified with user name and password, which is used by the estos UCServer to communicate with the database.
    When using Windows® authentication and a SQL Server® connected over a network the estos UCServer service has to be changed from "Local system" to a Windows® account with network permissions.

Instructions on the rapid setting up of a database connection

Database type Server name Database Authentification
SQL Server® Enter the name of the computer on which SQL Server® is running Enter the name of a database which you have already created in SQL Server®. If you enter a database administrator as user name the database is also created automatically. Enter a user name and password with access rights for the database. The user must have authorization to create tables in the database.
Local SQL Server® Express on the same computer Enter the computer name and the SQL Server® Express instance as the name (example: COMPUTER\SQLEXPRESS). You can use the default database name CtiServerDatabase. The database is created automatically. Use Windows® authentification. The local system account has full access to the local SQL Server® Express instance by default.

Further instructions for SQL Server® and SQL Server® Express configurations

Problem Solution
Server name with instances If named instances or a SQL server express are used, the instance name has to be given in the Server name. It follows the pattern HOSTNAME\INSTANZENNAME.
Example: host name\SQLExpress
UCServer will start during system startup before the database service. If SQL Server® has been installed on the same computer as UCServer, the database service must be started first. This can be controlled through the service dependences. To accomplish this, the SC.exe service control program can be run from the command line. For example, using the command:
sc config ectisrv depend= MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS/TapiSrv/LmHosts
says that ECTISRV is dependent on the MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS database service, the TapiSrv TAPI sub-system and the network layer, must be started first, when they are running.
The sc /? command will provide additional help about sc.exe.
Note: a space should be entered after the equals sign in the parameter "depend=".
Authentification and access rights Apart from read and write access the estos UCServer needs the following rights for accessing the database:
  • Create database
    When the server starts the configuration for the first time it attempts to create the database if it does not yet exist.
    If the database already exists the right is not used.
  • Create table
    When the server starts the configuration for the first time the required tables are created in the specified database if they do not yet exist.
    If the tables already exist the right is not used.
  • Change tables
    It is possible (although seldom) that the introduction of new features or improvements will make it necessary to change (add to) tables.
    At start-up the server analyzes the table structure and automatically makes extensions and changes.
    If such a procedure is necessary this is mentioned in the release notes and the necessary changes are described.
These rights are not required if the corresponding works or changes are done by hand.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_5.1