Presence icons

Every user connected to the system has his own status, his Presence. This information is established according to defined rules from the status of several services: Telephone status (telephone service), calendar status (calendar service), logged on/ logged off (system service) and manually entered user status.
The presence therefore dynamically informs of the availability of a communication partner depending on the current status of the various services.

Possible presence states

Status colorMeaning
Out of office
Do not disturb
Presence information unavailable

In addition to this presence information the following additional icons are used in estos ProCall:

If a contact is not logged on to a server their status is displayed with a gray symbol.
If a contact receives a call on one of their lines their status flashes red/orange
If a contact has created a memo this is symbolised by a black "i".

Besides to the contact-based presence information the telephone lines shows a different status:

Phone line ready, no active conversation
Active external call
Active internal call
Changing between red and green - incoming ringing
Line faulty
Active call redirection
Active call protection (the icon for the redirection is not displayed with active call protection).

Version ProCall_Enterprise_5.1