The chat history

Similar to the Journal browser, the chat history shows an overview of conversations with other users. Various filters show the desired information quick and clearly.


  •   Answer unread chat / continue chat
  •   Mark chat as read
  •   Delete chat. Deletes just your part of the chat. The history is not altered for other participants.
  •   Save selected chat as text (unformatted) or rich text (formatted).

Search criteria

  • Date filter:
    Select the desired start and end dates in the date fields in order to display just chat from within a certain period. Alternatively you can also use the pre-defined Today, Last week or Last month keys to adjust the time period.
  • Text filter:
    You can filter chat entries by a freely defined text. For example, type in the name of a sought after contact into the text field and press Enter. Alternativly you can start the search by pressing the Start search button.


  •   Display unread chats only
  •   Display a preview of the individual chat

The chat history always shows all unread messages regardless of the filter settings.
The chat history is automatically opened when you start ProCall when you have new chats, and you have disabled the popup for new chats (see also behavior).
You can continue any chat you wish. Participants can no longer be added or removed after they have been stored in the history log. (Chats no longer have a moderator)

Version ProCall_Enterprise_5.1