Server certificates

A server certificate is required for encrypted communication via TLS (Transport Layer Security).

Server certificate:
A server certificate serves to uniquely identify a server. The certificate must be issued to the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the server by a trusted authority. The client must contact the server through the FQDN, not through an IP address.
If UCServer Web Services should be provided from "", the certificate must also have been issued for the "" FQDN.

Certificate storage:
The certificates used must be stored under Local Computer/Own Certificates and contain a private key. The Local Computer certificate store can be opened with the MMC console.

  • Select Run... from the Windows® Start Menu and enter mmc.exe.
  • Select: File - Add/Remove SnapIn...
  • Click the Add button. Then, select Certificates from the list of available snap-ins. Select Computer account on the subsequentLocal computer tab and click the Finish button.
  • Select the Certificates (Local Computer), Personal and Certificates nodes in the treeview.

You can receive an appropriate server certificate, for example, from Verisign or Thawte.
Before ordering a certificate, we recommend that you test this in advance. Many manufacturers provide test certificates with a limited test period.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_5.1