
In this dialog, the service can be stopped and started and it will display the current status of the service. Furthermore, logfiles can be configured here in order to diagnose problems.

When the service is in operation, information about the last replication process is displayed here, otherwise it shows the status of the service. The service can be started and stopped with the corresponding buttons.


  • Log Level
    Here it can be specified how much information is written into the log files.

  • Maximum size of a log file
    Several log files are written. Each log file is periodically new created if the setup MB size is exceeded.

  • Log file directory
    Log files are stored in this directory. Note that the service requires corresponding write access rights.

In addition to the log file, important messages will also be entered in the system's event log. To do this, a custom application log with the name, EEWSCalSvc, will be created for storing the messages

The version number is displayed here.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_5.1