Swisscom Directories

To use the web service of Swisscom Directories AG, a user name and password are required as access data.

You can order the access data directly from directoriesDATA using the following link:

The "Swisscom Directories" telephone directory is a web service of Swisscom Directories AG. It is accessed via the Internet. Therefore, the Internet must be accessible for the estos MetaDirectory.
Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.8 is required to use the Swisscom Directories phonebook.

Geben Sie die von directoriesDATA erhaltenen Zugangsdaten "UserID" und "Passwort" ein.


  • Automatic: Hat das MetaDirectory ein Suchmuster mit abschließendem '*' erzeugt oder wird es eingegeben, so wird der Suchtyp 'Like' ausgeführt, sonst 'Default'.
  • Default: Swisscom Fix-Match search.
  • Like: Swisscom Like search
  • Phonetic: Swisscom Phonetische search
Important note: The search types Like, Phonetic and thus also Automatic can have an influence on the response times of the functionality and on the effectiveness of the search results.

Version MetaDirectory_5.0