Replikator for MetaDirectory

Please follow the general instructions for setting up a replicator on the Replicator Wizard page.

Procedure for Adding a Replicator

  1. Select the type of data source
    Choose the databsetype "MetaDirectory".
  2. Settings for the data source (selecting the server, the data structure to be imported, etc.)
    Server Information
    • Server Name
      Enter the computer name or the IP address.
    • Port
      The default LDAP port is 712.
    • Search
      You can find available MetaDirectory servers on the local network.
    Login Information
    Choose how the Authentication should take place on the LDAP server.
    • Login not required
      If the LDAP server does not require credentials, select this option.
    • Manual Login
      Enter the user name and password for the LDAP server. The user name must be in a specific format. Examples are cn=username,cn=users,dc=company,dc=com or
    Search Options
    Enter where to search in the database.
    • Search Base
      As a search base, you should use a single data source from the MetaDirectory server.
  3. Schedule replication plan
  4. Defining additional applications to be started
  5. Assigning a name for the new replicator

Version MetaDirectory_5.0