Replicator for Exact Online

Username, password and a partner key are required to use the Exact Online replicator.

You can create an account at Exact Software Nederland B.V.
Please follow the instruction on the Exact Online web page to create a partnerkey.
The Exact Online replicator uses the WebService of the Exact Software Nederland B.V.. It is accessed via the Internet. Therefore, the Internet must be accessible to the estos MetaDirectory.

The assignment of Exact Online data to MetaDirectory contacts:

  • All accounts generate a contact record.
  • All contacts of an account generate a contact record as well.

Identifier ID Account Contact
databaseName 01 GUID GUID
entryIDDB 03 "DB31" "DB31"
entryID 05 Partner key + lt; Account code> Partner key + lt; Contact number>
displayName 06 <Account><Name> (generated by system)
givenName 07
sn 08
title 09
company 10 <Account><Name> <Account><Name>
department 11

physicalDeliveryOfficeName 12

streetAddress 13 <Account><Address> <AddressLine1> + <AddressLine2> + <AddressLine3>
postalCode 14 <Account><Address><PostalCode>
l 15 <Account><Address><City>
st 16

c 17 <Account><Address><Country code>
privateAddressStreet 18

privateAddressPostalCode 19

privateAddressCity 20

privateAddressState 21

privateAddressCountry 22

otherAddressStreet 23

otherAddressPostalCode 24

otherAddressCity 25

otherAddressState 26

otherAddressCountry 27

mail 28 <Account><Email> <Contact><Email>
mail2 29

mail3 30

sipAddress 31

url 32 <Account><HomePage>
telephoneNumber 33 <Account><Phone> <Contact><Phone>
otherTelephone 34 <Account><PhoneExt> <Contact><PhoneExt>
telephoneNumberCompanyMain 35

telephoneAssistant 36

homephone 37

otherHomePhone 38

telephonePrimary 39

mobile 40
telephoneCar 41

telephoneRadio 42

pager 43

telephoneCallback 44

telephoneISDN 45

telephoneTTYTTD 46

facsimileTelephoneNumber 47 <Account><Fax> <Contact><Fax>
otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber 48

customerid 49 <Account><code> <Account><code>
directWebLink 50

directOpenContact 51

info 52

custom0 53 Xml structure: lt;Opportunities>[all opportunities of this account]</Opportunities>
custom1 54 Xml structure: lt;Invoices>[all invoices of this account]</Invoices>

All other fields are not filled or only filled by the system.

Please follow the general instructions for setting up a replicator on the Replicator Wizard page.

Procedure for Adding a Replicator

  1. Select database source type: Please select database type "Exact Online".
  2. Please enter the credentials which should be used to access the source database.
  3. Click Next to establish a connection to the Exact Online WebService.
  4. Configure links to contact URL
  5. Datasource location settings
  6. Schedule replication plan
  7. Defining additional applications to be started
  8. Assigning a name for the new replicator

Version MetaDirectory_5.0