Replicator for Salesforce CRM

For using Salesforce replicators the following components are required:
Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.6.1
A valid Salesforce account.

Please read the basic notes for setting up a replicator on the Replicator Wizard page.

Procedure for adding a Replicator

  1. Select the type of data source: Choose "Salesforce" here.
  2. Enter your Salesforce username.
  3. Enter your password+securitytoken. How to get the securitytoken:

      Goto the Salesforce website
      Create an account if needed and login.
      Select My settings then menuitempersonal
      Choose reset securitytoken there.
      You will receive an email with your securitytoken.

  4. After changing the URL it can be reset to default with the default button. Normally channges here are not needed.
    You can change the URL only by adapting the configfile MetaDirectoryServer.xml.
  5. Choose the SalesForce-object you want to replicate. The default-setting is 'Contact'.
  6. Field Assignment: Which source fields will be copied to which LDAP fields
  7. Datasource location settings
  8. Schedule replication plan
  9. Defining additional applications to be started
  10. Assigning a name to the new replicator

Version MetaDirectory_4.0