Configuring a CSV replicator for integrating a text file

How to use a text file with contacts in Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format as a data source for estos MetaDirectory will be shown in this application example. You will find the example file in the Samples folder in the estos MetaDirectory installation directory.

Setting up estos MetaDirectory for using a CSV File

  • Start the estos MetaDirectory Administration on the computer, where the server was also installed.
  • Authenticate yourself on the server with the user data that you specified during installation.
  • Go to the Configuration / General / Replicators view.
  • Start the Replicator Wizard from the context menu or Add... for configuring a data source.
  • Select the "Text/CSV File" data type and confirm the selection using the Next button.
  • Specify how the data source should be accessed in the user login. You can access the data source from the current user context or from the system account. We will use a SYSTEM account in this example. You will find additional information about this issue on the Replicator Wizard page.
    Confirm the selection using the Next button.
  • In the following step, the access to the file is configured.
    • Select the CSV file from the Samples folder in the estos MetaDirectory installation directory using the Browse button.
    • Select the Windows Text (semicolon separators) file format. This indicates that the fields in every line of the file will be separated by semicolons.
    • Set the First Line contains Field Names option.
    • Confirm the selection using the Next button.
  • Which data source fields will be copied to which target fields will be determined in the subsequent Field Assignment Wizard. You will find a stored field assignment file next to the example text file. Load the Demo-Namensliste-csv.fxm field assignment file from the button at the bottom left of the Field Assignment dialog. Confirm the settings using the Next button.
  • Leave the settings in the country and region Location Settings unchanged and confirm the dialog using the Next button.
  • In the replication schedule, you can define the intervals and times for replicating the database.
    Make changes, if desired. Then, exit the settings page using the Next button.
  • Enter a replicator name. This name must be unique and cannot be changed afterwards.
    Configuration of the replicator will be concluded using the Done button.
Once the replication process has been concluded, you can let the replicator run from the replicators list from the context menu or by using the Start button.
You will be able to view the results of the replication process from the Database Search or Database View dialogs.

Version MetaDirectory_3.5