Replicator for Active Directory Server

Please read the basic notes for setting up a replicator on the Replicator Wizard page.

Procedure for Adding a Replicator

  1. Select the type of data source
    Select the Active Directory database type.
  2. Settings for the data source (selection of the server, the data structure that should be imported and so forth)
    Server Information
    • Active Directory Server
      A Windows Server with Active Directory is always an LDAP server. Please provide the server name or leave this field empty to use the standard domain controller. The Active Directory standard port is 389. The Global Catalog is a collection of user information for several Active Directory servers used within a company.
    Login Information
    Define how to log on to the LDAP server.
    • Manual Login
      Enter the user name and password for the LDAP server. The user name must follow a specific format. Examples include: cn=Username, cn=users, dc=company, dc=com or
    Search Options
    Enter where to search in the database.
    • Search Base
      The search base is the folder in which the search is initiated. Normally, the search base is automatically retrieved from the LDAP server.
    • Filter
      You may enter a filter for the entries in the database. For Active Directory please use (objectCategory=person).
    • Search only in the Search Base folder
      Sub-directories will not be searched, if this option has been selected.
    • Do not replicate disabled objects
    • Do not replicate expired objects
    • Only replicate modified objects
      If this option has been selected, only those contacts, which have been changed since the last replication process, will be replicated during a replication process (incremental replication).
    • Note: When an Active Directory object has been deleted, a small part of the object will be retained for a specified period, so that other domain controllers can replicate the modifications. This period is called the "tombstone lifetime" and can be configured. During this period, the Active Directory replicator will be able to query the delete contacts using the Deleted Objects CommonName (for example: CN=Deleted Objects, DC=estos, DC=de). The replicator user will require more rights than those for simply querying the contact data. The replicator user's access to the necessary rights can be determined from the Active Directory server using the ldp program.Will check an executable (EXE) file or an LDAP browser. To do this, the server control, "1.2.840.113556.1.4.417", must be enabled in the Advance LDAP settings.

  3. Field Assignment: Which source fields will be copied to which LDAP fields
  4. Configure links to contact URL
  5. Datasource location settings
  6. Schedule replication plan
  7. Defining additional applications to be started
  8. Assigning a name to the new replicator

Version MetaDirectory_3.5