Database Management

About the estos MetaDirectory Database

estos MetaDirectory has an additional abstraction layer between the individual databases created by the replicators and the LDAP database. LDAP systems provide their data in a tree-like structure. The addition of the abstraction layer makes the combination of the databases in the LDAP tree under a single node possible. Thus, databases composed from various source databases can be provided to groups of users.

Parts of the LDAP tree are pre-determined by the architecture and fixed, and cannot be modified. This affects the nodes:

  • dc=configuration
    Saves LDAP-specific configuration settings such as the LDAP schema.
  • dc=meta
    All locally generated databases will be automatically connected to this node.
    Databases from replicators that are not running locally will not be automatically connected to the LDAP tree.
  • dc=phonebooks
    All activated phone directories will be automatically connected to this database node.
  • dc=web
    All locally generated databases and all activated phonebooks will be automatically connected to this node.

Additional LDAP nodes will be automatically created during initial installation:

  • dc=phone
    This database node is available for linking LDAP-enabled end devices. You can configure the link to an LDAP-enabled phone using the advanced LDAP node settings.

When an import replicator is executed for the first time, two sub-nodes for containing the imported databases will be created for the corresponding data sources. The first node will be named for the replicator and contain the contact data present in the data source (after replication). The second sub-node will be named for the replicator with the addition of the term, deleted_Items, and will contain deleted records, meaning records that have been replicated once, but will not be present in the data source for subsequent replication any longer. This sub-node for deleted records will not be displayed in the estos MetaDirectory Administrator's Database Management system.

Database Management in the estos MetaDirectory Administrator

You can manage the LDAP tree in the estos MetaDirectory Administrator from Database Management. The LDAP database structure will be displayed on the left; all available databases on the upper right and brief database information about the currently selected database on the lower right.

LDAP Database Structure

All database nodes will be displayed with their integrated databases. Nodes which cannot be edited will be displayed in light gray. Nodes can be added, deleted and processed by using the buttons or via the shortcut menu. You can connect or remove databases from the list of available databases using drag and drop or the buttons to the right of the LDAP tree. If you want to connect a database multiple times, hold down the CTRL key while you drag and drop it.

This list will display the type as well as a short status information next to all available databases. An icon on the left will indicate if the database has already been manually added:

  • Database not in use
  • Database used once
  • Database used multiple times

Database Information
The list will show the most important information about the currently selected database from the database list or the LDAP tree. At a glance, you will be able to see how many contacts have been saved or how many have been added, modified or deleted during the last replication. Additional status information will be provided for troubleshooting and analysis.

Advanced LDAP Node Settings
The advanced LDAP node settings can be opened from the context menu or the Properties button. Information about the Advanced LDAP Node Settings.

Operations for Available Databases

Create a New Database
The replicator belonging to this data source will be started by selecting this feature.

Delete Data
All contact data that originates from this data source will be finally removed by selecting this feature and then no longer be accessible. The sub-node in the LDAP tree created for the data source will also be deleted.

In contrast with estos MetaDirectory Version 1.x, the replicated databases are not just statically created in the LDAP tree, but can also be combined in any way desired or provided individually under various LDAP nodes.
Locally generated databases will automatically be connected to the dc=meta LDAP node. Replicators that do not run on the local computer will generate databases that will NOT be connected automatically!
The telephone books will not be searched for VirtualListView and PagedResults requests. The corresponding telephone book CDs do not support such features.

Version MetaDirectory_3.5