About estos MetaDirectory

estos MetaDirectory combines various databases into a single, consistent LDAP directory, which can be used through the company. Thereby, relevant data like telephone numbers or contact data will become available to all employees throughout the company. Intelligent preparation of the data will make searches easier and presentation of the results quicker, even for very large and widely distributed databases.

Find everything everywhere in time.
Searches for employees and contact data often require more time due to the use of various database systems in a company. Frequently, the databases for the individual company departments have to be searched one after the other in order to find the desired record. estos MetaDirectory solves this problem by synchronizing the database contents into one central pool of data.

What is estos MetaDirectory?
estos MetaDirectory is a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server with intelligent services for comparing and presenting data. It collects data relevant to employees and customer from various data sources and enables it to be searched efficiently, even with very large data and widely-distributed databases. Thanks to the standardized implementation of the LDAP protocol and database-independent formatting, search results are generated quickly and in a structured format for easy viewing and further processing.

Automated synchronization
The replicators specific to the databases create the connection to the individual data sources and provide proper data comparison when using estos MetaDirectory. Assigning the data from the sources to the fields used by estos MetaDirectory can be performed specifically for the project using a Field Assignment Wizard. Thereby, even fields specific to the company can be included in searches. The data stored in estos MetaDirectory can be updated at custom-scheduled replication intervals.

Always up-to-date
Because the contents of all databases will be collected into, and distributed from, estos MetaDirectory, all users will have access to every change to the database after replication cycle without any delays. The data provided will be independent of the location and database. Thereby, the company will benefit from the updated database. Interdepartmental processes will be able to be performed without long waiting periods and processing times will be reduced.

Standardized format
All search results are provided in a standardized format, regardless of which database the data was originally stored in. This allows further processing in a simple and efficient way by providing a data format optimized for communication products like estos ProCall or Microsoft Outlook.

What are estos MetaDirectory's components?
estos MetaDirectory consists of three components. The estos MetaDirectory server makes the LDAP database and the web server available as a system service. Replicators incorporate the various database systems into the LDAP database. An administrator program allows for easy server configuration as well as replicator setup. Thanks to the modular design and replicators run independently from the server, the system is highly scalable and flexible. This also allows deployment in business-critical applications since data storage is performed separately from the data sources.

Version MetaDirectory_3.5