Field Mapping Skype for Business® / MetaDirectory

The search extension fills the fields of the Skype for Business® Client with content from fields of MetaDirectory. The following assignments are made here:

Skype for Business® MetaDirectory
GivenName Firstname
Name (sn) Lastname
DisplayName DisplayName
MailNickname Email
PrimaryUserAddress SIPAddress
TelephoneNumber Phonebusiness
HomePhone Phonehome
Mobile PhoneMobile
Mail Email
ProxyAddresses Email
Department Department (only displayed if the title is not filled)
Company Company
OtherHomePhone PhoneHome2
OtherMobile RadioTelephoneNumber
OtherTelephone Phonebusiness2
IPPhone TtyttdTelephoneNumber
PhysicalDeliverOfficeName Company
Title JobTitle
Description Body
ManagedBy OfficeRoomNumber

Version Lync_Tools_4.0