
Search Interceptor must be installed on each Skype for Business® FrontEnd Server.

Together with Search Interceptor, a estos MetaDirectory is required which assumes the contact data connection.
estos MetaDirectory is a Meta-Directory that enables a central collection of employee and customer information. As a result, organizations can combine their existing distributed databases into one global information service based on the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). The automatic synchronization due to the replication process combines the existing employee and customer data from different contact data sources. The advantage of MetaDirectory compared with conventional databases is the very fast access speed and the high availability, even during the synchronization phase.

estos MetaDirectory can be installed on any server. Search Interceptor must be able to contact MetaDirectory (TCP Ports 712 or 714, details about the configuration of MetaDirectory in the Data Sources Settings)

Search Interceptor requires version 4 of Microsoft® .net Framework. If it is not already installed, it is automatically downloaded and installed during installation.

Start the Setup and follow the instructions. After installation, the Setup wizard starts automatically.

The individual settings pages of the Search Interceptor administration are described in the chapter Settings.

Version Lync_Tools_4.0