Policy settings

For Skype for Business® users to be able to use the extended search of Search Interceptor, the Lync® Desktop Client must send search queries directly to the Skype for Business® Server. Lync® Mobile Clients, as well as the Windows® 8 App, already process their search queries via the Skype for Business® Server as standard.

For search queries to be sent to the Skype for Business® Server, policies must be configured for the AdressBookAvailability WebSearchOnly. In a second step, these policies are assigned to Users who may use the contact search.

For all users that were not assigned a policy, the Global Policy applies. By activating the checkbox Activate Search Interceptor for all users who are not assigned a policy, Search Interceptor is activated in the global policy.

If policies have already been created on the Skype for Business® Server, they are displayed in the Skype for Business® Policies table. The Active column shows whether the users of this policy can access Search Interceptor.

You can add new policies and change existing policies.

Please note that clients already connected with the Skype for Business® server must be reconnected with the server after changing the settings to apply these changed settings.

Version Lync_Tools_4.0