CSTA Server

This dialog is used to configure the CSTA server.

TCP port and IP interface
On this IP Port (Default 33333) the CSTA Server listens for incoming TCP connections (no encryption).
In case you are only using a local CSTA application that is installed on the same computer, you may choose the local IP interface '' here.

TLS port and IP interface
On this IP Port (Default 33334) the CSTA Server listens for incoming TLS connections (encrypted).
This requires a TLS/SSL certificate.

Certificate for the TLS/SSL communication
For the encrypted communication over TLS (Transport Layer Security), a server certificate is required. A server certificate is used to uniquely identify a server. The certificate must be issued to the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of the server. The server certificate must be issued by a trusted certifiation authority.
Certificates are configured in the Certificate Snap-In of the Management console (MMC).
The certificate must be saved in the 'Local Computer' certificate store. They must contain a private key. The 'Local Computer' certificate store can be opened using the MMC console.

  • From the Windows® start menu choose Run... and enter mmc.exe
  • Choose File | Add/remove SnapIn...
  • Choose Add. From the list of available Snap-Ins choose Certificates. Choose Computer account, Local computer and press Finish
  • In the list navigate to Certificates (Local computer) / Personal Certificates
A certificate can be issued either in the own company using a 'Windows® Certificate Authority' or from several companies like http://www.startssl.com.

CSTA Login
Enter a user name and password. This login is required by the estos ECSTA for Panasonic driver to connect to this server. The default user is 'admin', the default password is 'admin'. For unencrypted TCP connections the login is not required. This allows third party applications that normally connect directly to the PBX system to use this Multiplexer. For SSL/TLS connections the login is required.

Version ECSTA_6