Phone Number Format

You may enter rules for formatting the phone numbers.

The phone numbers that are reported from the PBX system to the PC and the numbers that are send from the PC to the PBX system may be modified with a Search and Replace function.

The phone numbers that are sent from the Tapi Application to the PBX (make call) may be modified as well.

Each line in the list contains an option if direct text compare or a regular expression is used.

The Search and Replace function uses regular expressions. If a search pattern matches, the result from replace with will be used as output. It the search pattern does not match, the original number will be reported unchanged. The entries in the list are processed one after each other. If one match is found the remaining entries will be ignored.

There are three categories:

  • Incoming
    This section is for phone number from incoming calls that are reported from the PBX system to the PC.
  • Outgoing
    This section is for phone number from outgoing calls that are reported from the PBX system to the PC.
  • PC Dialing
    This section is for phone numbers that are dialed on the PC and send to the PBX system

Search for:
Enter the regular expression that will be used to match the phone number.
Hint: The Caret Sign (^) is located on the German keyboard on top left.
Here is a short description of the available expressions:

Character Description
^ The beginning of the search string (phone number). The expression "^0" matches '0' only at the beginning of the search string.
^ The caret (^) immediately following the left-bracket ([) has a different meaning. It is used to exclude the remaining characters within brackets from matching the target string. The expression "[^0-8]" indicates that the target character should not be 0
$ The dollar sign ($) will match the end of the string. The expression "152$" will match the sub-string "152" only if it is at the end of the string.
| The alternation character (|) allows either expression on its side to match the target string. The expression "8|9" will match '8' as well as '9'.
. The dot (.) will match any character.
* The asterisk (*) indicates that the character to the left of the asterisk in the expression should match 0 or more times.
+ The plus (+) is similar to asterisk but there should be at least one match of the character to the left of the + sign in the expression.
? The question mark (?) matches the character to its left 0 or 1 times.
() The parenthesis affects the order of pattern evaluation and also serves as a tagged expression that can be used when replacing the matched sub-string with another expression.
[] The corner brackets ([ and ]) indicates the amount of characters that are permitted at this point.

Replace with:
Enter the expression how the output of the phone number should look like.
\1 represents the first matched expression enclosed by parentheses '( )' from the search pattern field.
\2 the second ...

You may check your expressions right here by entering a phone number in the indicate field. The resulting output will be displayed. If the expression from the search pattern is not found, the phone number will be send to the output without modification.


Effect search pattern replace with
Remove a leading 0 from the phone number ^0(.*) \1
Replace a leading 80 at the beginning of the phone number by a 0 ^80(.*) 0\1
Remove a private pin number that may be identified by a 50 followed by a 3 digit pin. ^50[0-9][0-9][0-9](.*) \1
Suppress all phone numbers that are internal (not more than 3 digits). ^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$
Add an access code (leading 0) to all numbers with more than 3 digits (e.g. all external numbers). ^([0-9][0-9][0-9].+) 0\1
Add an area code and prefix (03012345) to all internal numbers (1 to 3 digits). ^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?)$ 03012345\1
Adding an area code to all numbers not beginning with 0 and containing at least 4 digits (thus not internal). ^([^0][0-9][0-9][0-9].*) 08151\1

See also Location.

Version ECSTA_6