General Settings

Connection directly to the PBX system
The connection to the PBX system is established using TCP. Enter the Host Name or IP Address of the PBX system. The default port for TCP is 33333.

Connection to the estos CSTA Multiplexer for Panasonic
The connection to the PBX system is established using the CSTA Multiplexer. Enter the host name or IP Address of the CSTA Multiplexer. The default Port for TCP is 33333.

The connection to the CSTA Multiplexer may be encrypted using TLS. The CSTA Multiplexer must be configured for TLS using a valid certificate. In this case the host name from the certificate must be used. The default port for TLS is 33334.

For the connection to the CSTA Multiplexer a user name and password is required. Enter the CSTA user and password as configured in the CSTA Multiplexer. The default setting is admin / admin.

Version ECSTA_6