TAPI Lines

Please add all Lines, that should be available as TAPI lines on the PC.

Manual Add/Remove Lines:
Please enter the internal dialing numbers and the name of the telephony device.

Load Lines from PBX:
All known device numbers are queried from the PBX system. All devices are queried that are in the range set in Advanced Settings.

Import text:
You may import simple text files with the line numbers and names. The content of the text file should be one extension (line) in each line of text. The separator is automatically detected. Example of text file content:
100,Extension 100

Export text:
You may export the actual line configuration to a text file.

After the installation of the driver it may be necessary to restart the computer.

You can enter the number of the line in supercanonical format e.g.+49(30)12345-123. You should use the supercanonical number format if you are using several instances of Tapi drivers and connecting to several PBX sytems at the same time. In this case you should configure the data in the location dialog.
Please note that the entry is in accordance with the following example. The internal extension has to be separated from the remainder with the minus sign '-'. If the connected PBX systems have no consistent numbering plan, you would get duplicate internal extensions as tapi lines. In the location dialog you may enter the following data.

  • Country Code
    The country code for Germany is 49, for the USA 1, for Switzerland 41. You can find more country codes in the telephone directory.
  • Area code
    The area code is only necessary in countries where it exists.
  • PBX phone number
    The PBX number is the remaining part between the area code and the direct access number.
The components and assemblies of an area code are: +country code(area code)PBX phone number-internal extension.

Version ECSTA_6