Installation and Configuration of ECSTA for SIP Phones


Install ECSTA for SIP Phones by running the ecstaSIPPhones_en-US.msi setup program for 32-bit Systems or ecstaSIPPhones_en-US_x64.msi for 64-bit systems. Follow the instructions that will guide you through the installation process. Once the installation process has been completed, the wizard for the initial configuration of the driver will appear automatically. The individual wizard pages will be described by the following information. You can execute the administrator user interface from the Advanced Telephone and Modem Options entry in the Control Panel at any time.

Use in the Network
After installing the driver, you may use all configured line devices on the server as TAPI-lines. If you are using a server based CTI Software, you may install it now. To have the TAPI-devices available on all workstations, the TAPI-driver must be distributed in the network. There are the following options:

  1. estos UCServer
    The estos UCServer is a CTI/UCC server software which distributes the telephony informations across the network using a graphical client or a multiline TAPI driver. Workgroups, domains, Active Directory® and Terminal Server are supported.
  2. estos CallControlGateway
    The estos CallControlGateway for Lync/OCS is a gateway that connects the TAPI-lines with the Lync/OCS server. This enables the Lync/OCS client to use traditional telephone devices via Remote Call Control (RCC).
  3. Windows® Telephony Server
    The Windows® Telephony Server is a component of Windows® server operating systems since Windows® NT. You will need a domain. The service is limited to domain users.

The driver interface has been divided into the following sections:

Version ECSTA_5