Advanced Settings

  • Return to held party when terminating a consultation
    At the end of a query you can choose whether the subscriber on hold should be automatically reconnected or stay on hold.
  • Configure proxy
    If you require a proxy for access to the BroadWorks XSI interface you can configure it here. It is not possbile to use the BroadWorks CTI interface with a proxy.
  • Line Name Format
    The TAPI line names can be modified via this setting.
    Standard = Line number [names]
    Phone number = Line number
    Name = Name
  • Snapshot for active calls
    The driver checks at the set time interval whether the currently displayed calls still exist in the phone system.
    You can enter a time interval in seconds here.
  • Retry MonitorStart
    In case the driver cannot start the monitoring of an extension, for example because the extension is not connected to the PBX, the driver will retry the montoring at regular intervals.
    You can enter a time interval in seconds here.

Version ECSTA_5