Advanced Settings


  • Enable Do Not Disturb
    If this option is enabled, the feature Do Not Disturb is available on all line devbices. To use the feature with the telephones, the ACM configuration must have the feature 'Send All Calls' enabled for every phone.
  • Report incoming calls on busy extension
    If an extension is busy any incoming call is notified.

Phone Number Format:

  • National Prefix
    The national prefix will be inserted at the beginning of all phone numbers that are reported by the PBX system with 'type of number: national'. In case the driver should report full canonic phone numbers, the national prefix consists of a '+' and the country code. When using '+1' for the Unitied States the national number '5551234567' will be converted to '+15551234567'.
  • International Prefix
    The international prefix will be inserted at the beginning of all phone numbers that are reported by the PBX system with 'type of number: international'. In case the driver should report full canonic phone numbers, the international prefix is a '+'. The international phone number '15551234567' will be converted to '+15551234567'.
  • Phone number format
    You may change the phone number format, that the driver reports to the applications. You may also change the phone numbers that are sent from the PC to the PBX. See Phone number formatting.

Advanced Parameters:

  • Retry MonitorStart
    In case the driver cannot start the monitoring of an extension for example because the extension is not connected to the PBX, the driver will retry the montoring at regular intervals.
    Enter a time interval in seconds.

Version ECSTA_5