Location Settings

The telephone system phone numbers are defined from the Location Settings dialog.

Exension Range
Indicate here which internal phone numbers exist in the phone system. This information is used to determine the available lines from the phone system.

Indicate here which international phone numbers precede the internal extension numbers.
The location information should only be entered when you use several driver instances and connect with several telephone systems. The location information can only be configured when the Use Location checkbox has been checked. If you enter a location here, all extensions will be specified in the fully international format.
Example: With location information '49(89)1234' the extension '100' is formatted as '49(89)1234-100'.

Phone Number Format
The phone numbers provided to the application by the driver can be modified using rules. In addition, you can change the phone numbers that the PC sends to the telephone system. See Phone Number Formatting.

Version ECSTA_4