Connection Settings

The connection with OpenScape Business may be optionally created using either an OpenScape Business UC Booster Card or the OpenScape Business UC Booster Server. The telephone system itself does not have a CSTA interface and a connection with cannot be made directly from this driver. There is no difference in the configuration and activation processes between these two middleware solutions. You will find detailed information about both options under OpenScape Business Booster Platforms.

Enter the host name or IP address for the Booster middleware solution
The default TCP port for the CSTA connection is 8800.
You can enter advanced TCP settings using the '...' button. The connection can be established using a SOCKS 5 firewall without authentication.

CSTA Login
Enter the CSTA login information as configured for OpenScape Business. You will find this information from the OpenScape Business web interface under Expert - Applications - Middleware - CSTA Service Provider (CSP) - CSTA Access

Version ECSTA_4