Server Mode

On a server the driver can be used to control multiple telephones.

During the installation choose the Server Mode. Enter a user name and password of the Broadsoft Web Portal. These credentials are used to determin all telephone line devices from the addressbook of the user. During readout of the lines from the addressbook the lines are added without passwords.

Passwords entered by the Administrator
Each line device managed by the estos ECSTA for Broadsoft requires a user name and password. The Administrator may manually enter user name and password for each line device.

Passwords entered by the users
When using estos ProCall Enterprise 4.0, users are prompted by estos ProCall on the workstation for their password. This happens in case the password not not known for the users or in case a new password is required. The line device in estos ECSTA for Broadsoft are configured by the Administrator without passwords or automatically created from the phone book. This allows the Administrator to configure the line devices without knowing the users passwords.

Version ECSTA_4