Phone System Location

Phone System

Location uses Telephone Equipment
If this option is selected, internal phone numbers are recognized and the trunk codes for dialable phone numbers can be used.

Internal Phone Numbers

  • Maximum Number of Digits for Internal Phone Numbers
    Enter the number of digits here that defines the length of your internal call numbers. If your internal call numbers are 121, for example, enter 3 here.

Outgoing PC Connection
An external line access code is the digit that you must dial on the telephone in order to make an external call. It may be necessary to enter this digit on the PC even if the telephone automatically picks up an outside line. Normally, the following three types of external line access digits are identical and should contain a "0".

  • External dialing code for local calls
    Enter the access code you need for local calls.
  • External dialing code for domestic long-distance calls
    Enter the access code you need for domestic long-distance calls.
  • External dialing code for international long-distance calls
    Enter the external dialing code you need for international long-distance calls.

Version 6