The "ixi-UMS Client Tools" contains various tools that can be used with the ixi-UMS Enterprise system. The functions can be individually selected during the installation.
The ixi-UMS Client Tools are optional and are installed exclusively at the clients, by no means at the ixi-UMS Enterprise-server.
The users do not have to start an application in order to be able to make use of the ixi-UMS Client Tools. The needed "Prnd.exe" is started via an entry in the Autostart. The "Prnd.exe" takes care of the "transport" of the printed fax to the mail client. Moreover, the features of the ixi-UMS system tray are controlled via this application.
Remark for the installation at a Citrix Server: When the ixi-UMS Client Tools are applied on a Microsoft Terminal Server with Citrix in "Published Mode" you have to take care that this Prnd.exe is started per user and finished with the log off. The system tray, of course, is not available to this user. Furthermore, the necessary "IXI-spool" directory has to be set up at an LW, on which every user has unlimited access.
Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70